Pool of Life member Ellie was a film star for the day when she was chosen to be in promotional material demonstrating how keeping active is good for body and mind.
“I’m so pleased with how the video about my story turned out. Everyone on the boat looks amazing!”
Update May 2020
Like the rest of the country, and especially like others in higher risk categories, Ellie has found her lifestyle and social activities – like dragonboat paddling – greatly curtailed.
Still, as detailed in a new video entry on We are Undefeatable’s Facebook page, you can see How Ellie’s getting active at home
“Ellie is part of a dragonboat racing team all made up of people who have had a breast cancer diagnosis like herself. Taking part in dragonboat racing kept Ellie active and chatting to others on the team always lifted her spirits. She hasn’t been able to get out onto the water since lockdown but she hasn’t let that stop her and instead has adapted to what she can do.
Here she is, reigniting a former love in the form of her gymnastics ribbon – twirling it and dancing around the garden with her music on – something she’s picked up again since having to stay at home more.
Getting active is all about finding what works for you, whether that’s having a go on your gymnastics ribbon, dancing to your favourite song or doing a spot of gardening, it all counts.”
(Sorry, can’t embed the Facebook video here, click picture to follow link)
Related to lockdown
Of possible interest, We Are Undefeatable also have a dedicated page on: SUPPORTING YOU DURING COVID-19